At present, ICS Laboratories remains operational during the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. However, we are limiting our services and personnel to the assessment of essential PPE, in support of healthcare workers, first responders and other segments/industries that have been identified as essential.
Our Respiratory Protection and Chem/Bio Protective Clothing lab sector will continue to offer testing that is critical to support the safety of healthcare workers and other public service functions that are at high risk of contacting the virus out of necessity (e.g. N95 and EN149 FFP2 masks and other respirators, protective gloves and ensembles).
Our Eye and Face Protection lab sector and our Head Protection and Mechanical Protective Clothing lab sector will offer assessments for products that are being used in response to the virus (goggles and face shields for healthcare),as well as other PPE that directly supports essential functions and occupations: defense, infrastructure and logistics for the distribution of food and basic utilities.
Non-essential PPE testing and assessment activities (e.g. sporting goods, recreational PPE and lifestyle products) are currently on hold in observance of government mandates and in support of a global citizenship effort that is crucial in defeating this international threat to human health and safety.